Origin Endeavours

Acoustic Emission Testing for FRP/GRP Composite Tanks and Vessels

Elevate Your Tank Integrity with Advanced AE Testing

advanced acoustic emission testing

Advanced AE Testing for Aerial Work Platforms

In the demanding environments of the oil and chemical industries, ensuring the structural integrity of storage tanks is not just a regulatory requirement—it’s a necessity for safety and operational efficiency. Origin Endeavours introduces a specialised service for Acoustic Emission (AE) Testing of FRP/GRP Composite Tanks and Vessels, designed to meet the unique challenges of non-metallic containment systems.

Understanding Your Tanks Through Acoustic Emission Insights

Materials, including fibre-reinforced plastics, communicate through acoustic emissions when stressed, revealing critical information about their condition. Our AE Testing service utilises advanced sensors to detect these emissions, acting as a global monitoring system that identifies microstructural changes within your tanks and vessels.

acoustic emission insights
ae testing standards

Standards and History

Our procedures adhere to the leading industry standards for composite material testing:

  • ASTM E1067-07
    Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of FRP Tanks/Vessels.
  • ASME Article 11
    Acoustic Emission Examination of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Vessels.

Developed through a collaborative effort between CARP and SPI, these standards ensure your FRP/GRP tanks are evaluated with the highest level of expertise and care.

Get started with our specialised AE Testing services!

AE Testing Advantages for Fibre
Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Tanks

Prolific Emission Characteristics

Composite materials, like those used in FRP tanks, actively emit acoustic signals when stressed.

Proven Assessment Method

AE Testing is a validated approach for evaluating the structural integrity of FRP tanks.

Non-Invasive Inspection

Our AE Testing is conducted without the need for tank disassembly, allowing for uninterrupted operations.

Operational Efficiency and Safety

On-line testing capabilities mean no downtime, enhancing both efficiency and safety.

Early Detection

Identifies the early stages of micro-cracking and damage due to material creep.

Accurate Monitoring

Ensures comprehensive monitoring of tank condition, aiding in effective maintenance planning.

Expert Analysis and Certified Engineering:
Ensuring Tank Integrity

Our comprehensive analysis process evaluates the acoustic emission data against established criteria, ensuring any deviation from expected patterns is thoroughly investigated.

Our reports provide a detailed overview of the tank’s condition, including material type, fabrication method, and historical data, offering actionable insights for maintenance and operational planning.

Our ISO 9712-certified AE Test Engineers leverage over 20 years of NDT and AE Testing experience, ensuring precise and reliable evaluations of FRP/GRP materials.

Discover how we can tailor our services to meet your needs!

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